know more about us

GameOn is a name acknowledged widely in the gaming industry. Apart from translating words, our expertise lies in translating culture.
Intuitive interface
Affordable Platform
  • Fully managed
  • Marketing & Gaming
  • Gaming Skills
Rare game
Professional Gamer
User Active Daily

Service Agency

GameOn is a name acknowledged widely in the gaming industry. Apart from translating words, our expertise lies in translating culture. To keep our customers satisfied we have professionals on board fluent in more than 150 languages. Our working ethics are established on providing clients with high-quality culturally aware translations, on time and on budget, every step of the way.
A Full-Service LocalizarioN

About Pac-Man's Success

At its time of release, Pac-Man became a global phenomenon selling 350,000 arcade machines within 18 months and generating millions in profits.
The reason behind its success was the game’s ability to connect with a wider audience in a time when most games where warthemed, like mega-
hit Space Invaders, targeted towards a more masculine player. GameOn is a Pac-Man in a sea of Space Invaders, we will help you chomp your way
to the next frontier by making sure you connect with a global market.


Unleash Your Creativity

Translating is Only The First Stage of The Game
If you seek to increased revenue localization is the next step in your quest. When localizing, we adapt the characters and storylines to make the players in a targeted market fee l strongly attached to your game and fully immersed in the visual world formulated.

More About Translation

Localization will power-up your product by making sure no cultural glitches will interfere with the message you wish to communicate, a tool that will help your company crossover from a limited audience with limited revenue to a global one. In other words, it is the bridge that connects the global market to local cultures.

The Goal is to Go Global

Jitter enables us to focus more on content rather than editing maDo we have to start by telling you that the entertainment business is all about gaming these days?otion. And it definitely makes our workflow smoother.

Our main goal

The Goal is to Go Global

Strategy Come up With a Game Plan

Our Global Team of
Gamers Play Hard

To work harder at making your game resonate with your targeted audience. We take the time to get to know your product by becoming one of its players; leave global domination in our hands, we got your back!

This is who we are

Making The
Force Our Partner

Think of us as the Luigi to your Mario; because let’s be honest, every hero could do with a bit of a back-up in the quest to save the world.
  • Fully managed
  • Marketing & Gaming
  • Gaming Skills
  • Intuitive interface
  • Affordable Plaotform


This is who we are

Our expertise are
not restricted

Jitter enables us to focus more on content rather than editing
motion. And it definitely makes our workflow smoother

  • Intuitive interface
  • Gaming Experience
  • Quality Assistance

Our Satisfactory Results to Our Customers

  • We believe in providing nothing but
    satisfactory results to our customers
  • optimised

Strategy Come up With a Game Plan

Understanding Our Team Players

if you ever played Pac-man you’ll pretty much understand our team players just by the look of them:

  • Nora Vega/Founder (The Mastermind behind GameOn)
    Yes, she’s “Blinky” because if you blink you’ll miss her, there’s no stopping her when it comes to making things happen, you could say she’s a go-getter. Nora has worked in the translation and localization industry over the last 15 yearsNora holds a degree in European studies and a Masters in International Development and Cooperation.
  • Bárbara Bianchi/Co-Founder (GameOn’s Sorcerer)
    Our hungry little yellow ball, Bárbara is always up to eating Pac-Dots and is legendary for her gleefully offensive and sharp humor. Her management style is based on her lifetime obsession with Zelda. She has worked on localizations since 2007.Bárbara holds a degree in Translation and Interpreting
  • Marta Salinas/Project Managing Director
    She might be pink from head to toe, but make no mistake Marta is no damsel in distress, if anything, she’s one of GameOn’s heroines. This girl plays the flute, the guitar, the bass, and the bandurria, no wonder she’s a multitasking force. She’s the one making sure every project is translated, localized, reviewed and delivered on time, keeping quality - standards intact.
  • Bárbara Barbieri/Sales Manager (GameOn’s Tomb Raider)
    Bárbara - yes, we have two of them - is our seasoned saleswoman with a penchant for negotiation. She is the link connecting us to our clients and providing them with the detailed undertaking of our business. Bárbara holds a degree in Business Administration and Management.
  • Matt Eliott/Finance Director (GameOn’s token keeper)
    He is the guy behind our game plan, Matt is a numbers wizard. His contribution as the voice of Gambon's rational conscience is highly appreciated. He’s always helping us make the right choices.

Game On is more than a service supplier, we cater game-changing solutions. There’s no denial in the fact that the success of a
videogame lies in its ability to connect with its audience.

To make your game global and successful it’s important for the players to feel that it was made for them. This can be done by
using their language, references and even their sense of humor!

Our services will transform your content to fit your clients no matter who or where they are, enter a world that knows no borders
by launching translated and localized products, make your business resonate with a global market.

Content Writing

Games & Localization

Build a website in 30 seconds with ai

Jitter enables us to focus more on content rather than editing motion. And it definitely makes our workflow smoother

The Berkeley AI Research

Jitter enables us to focus more on content rather than editing motion. And it definitely makes our workflow smoother
Content Writing

Voice Over &
Sub Titling

Deliver High-Quality Sound Production to Your Global Gamers

Not only for in-game content, but also for a wide range of circumstances, including advertisements, launching and training materials, and much more.

Creativity with AI-Powered Content

Jitter enables us to focus more on content rather than editing motion. And it definitely makes our workflow smoother

Proof Reading & Editing

Our Proof Reading & Editing Services Are Always on Spot

Provided by subject-expert editors who can tackle your content no matter the area of expertise. Elevate your game by making sure your texts are glitch-free, structured, and flowing in the most stylistically appropriate way.

We Can Help You Establish Accuracy

Consistency, and quality with our extreme attention to detail when it comes to spelling, grammar, consistency, metrics, and layout (text overflows, truncations, unsupported characters, etc.) Surpass player’s expectations for a bug-free gaming experience with testing of translation accuracy, user interface (UI)/text controls and VO sync.

Language Testing​

Deliver High-Quality Sound Production to Your Global Gamers

Not only for in-game content, but also for a wide range of circumstances, including advertisements, launching and training materials, and much more.



With your game or app anytime, anywhere.